Friday, July 8, 2011


When I was growing up, I watched Perry Mason every week and I wanted to be “Perry Mason” when grew up. Life was so miserable at my house, that I couldn’t wait to graduate from high school and get out of there. The only problem was, back then girls didn’t leave home and get an apartment—it didn’t look right. So, I did the next thing—got married. I stayed married for 18 years and for all of those 18 years, I heard the comment “be content with what you have.” Well, I had nothing and I didn’t realize how miserable I really was. Dreams? I lost sight of that totally. I thought my life would always be the way it was.

I did always dream of having a baby. All of my friends were having babies, why couldn’t I? My husband and I went through many tests and I even took fertility pills. Another lady I worked with was also taking fertility pills and became pregnant. I just couldn’t handle it anymore and I stopped taking fertility pills. One night our pastor prayed about faith and I thanked God that he was going to give me a baby—I didn’t know how, when or where, but I knew that God would answer that prayer. The next night I prayed for a brown haired, blue eyed little girl. God answered that prayer! I do believe in miracles and I have been the mother of that brown haired blue eyed little girl for 40 years. She has blessed me with two wonderful grandsons.

The worst time in my life was when I went through a divorce after 18 years of marriage. That was a very dark period for me and I lost sight of any dreams whatsoever. I found a little magnet that said, “It’s never too late to become what you could have been.” I still have that magnet. I remarried and I have to say that the 25-1/2 years I spent with Charles were the most wonderful years of my life. He taught me new words—instead of “problems”, they became “challenges”. He told me I am smart. He built me up all of the time. I was raised in a very negative family and he pointed me toward positive thoughts and actions. I began to have dreams again.

I feel now that I am too old to become “Perry Mason”, but I have learned that I have many talents and I try to use them.

The reason I’m even writing this about “dreams” is because I attended a meeting last night about the new Dream Center at The Crossing. This Dream Center is going to help others recapture the dreams that they lost and feel that they can’t recapture. I want to help others find the happiness in finding their dreams again like I have. Right now, I’m searching for what lies ahead for me. My plan was to live the rest of my days with Charles, but that didn’t happen. He was my great love and the best example of a Christian I could have had in my life. He helped me work my way back to my Christian life.

Just remember, “It’s never too late to become what you could have been.”


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