Sunday, January 11, 2015


I’m not very good at saying goodbye. And there are all sorts of goodbyes. The worst goodbye is the final one. I’ll never forget the day the Hospice nurse told me that Charles go at any time. That was the only day we couldn’t communicate. He could hear me and he tried so hard, but couldn’t. Debbie had gone home to get a shower and sleep some, and so I put my arms around him and I told him how much I loved him and that it was time for him to go. He had suffered long enough. I then went through all the things that he had worried about leaving me with. I even lied about a few of them and told him they had been taken care of. It was the hardest goodbye I ever did. I knew I would never see him alive on this earth again. All I would have would be memories, and yes, I have many good ones. I’m thankful that I did get to tell Charles goodbye. So many of my friends never had that chance. I just don’t know how that feels. Then there was a goodbye I shared last night. My youngest grandson has left for the Marines. I am so proud of him. He’s going to be the best looking Marine ever. I told him that of all the militaries, I love the Marine uniform the best. I looked at him and he is so young. Too young to drink and vote, but not too young to defend our country. I told my daughter that he will be back. I know it’s hard for his parents. The oldest just got married, and now the youngest has left for boot camp. In this life, we have so many difficult things we have to do, but I think the hardest thing we do is say goodbye. DR 1/11/15