Friday, December 18, 2015

December 2015

This year I actually decorated for Christmas--not just a tree but my whole living room and outside too. I've had mixed emotions this month. My dad died December 21, 2011. I just can't believe he has been gone four years already. I went through Christmas that year not being able to have his funeral until December 27. I hear of so many people losing their loved ones this time of year and I know how hard it is. I sometimes wonder why we have to experience such grief. I do know that life goes on and we can truly be happy again. When my cousin died two years ago, I didn't know what I would do because he helped me with my house. That was my wakeup call to get my act together and sell my house. I really miss that house, but I'm so happy that now a family is in it. It has been quite an adjustment for me to get used to living in the "city" again. I love the convenience, and it's usually only five or ten minutes to get home again. I never realized how much time I spent on the road going to and from my house. I have so much to be thankful for this Christmas. My address is "8" which means "a new beginning." I never realized that my life this year is truly made up of new beginnings--new state, new house, new car, and a new someone in my life. Yes, God is good. DR 12/18/15