Friday, April 26, 2013

He Stopped Loving Her Today....

When I first heard about George Jones dying today, I immediately had some memories come flooding back. My mother loved country music, and my passion has always been rock and roll. There are a few country songs that I really like and the song by George Jones, He Stopped Loving Her Today, was my favorite by him. I remember my mother was in the car with me and that song came on. I listened to the words that day and I told my mother, the man in the song died! My mother said, well haven’t you ever listened to the words? I told her no. I said that’s one of the saddest songs I’ve ever heard. It still has remained one of my favorites. Another time I watched a music video with my mother at her house. It was by Martina McBride and it’s called Freedom Rings. I had only heard the chorus on the Hannity and Combs radio broadcast. I couldn’t believe it was about domestic violence. Of course my mother told me the history of it. Another time I taught a friend of mine how to do makeup on some children who were doing a benefit for a man. Well, I knew this man’s name and the only person I knew by that name is a preacher. I couldn’t understand why this particular school was doing the benefit down at the Tivoli for him. I was down there the night of the benefit to help and then they announced that the “guest” was also going to wear the makeup that I sold. I was amazed to say the least. Well, my friend told me that I could stay for the benefit and I thought I would at least stay for the first part. The principal of the school came out and announced that he had known this man since he was in the second grade and followed his career. I thought how could that be, the principal is too young and the man I know is at retirement age. Well, when the “guest” came out I nearly fell out of my seat. He was an up and coming country music star. The next day I went over to my mother’s house and asked her if she knew this guy. She proceeded to tell me his history and how good he is. I then told her what had happened and I had wished I had told her. She would have loved to have been there. Well, I have other memories, but I have thought a lot about my mother today and how she always straightened me out on “who is who” in the country music world. But, I still have “He Stopped Loving Her Today” on my mind. DR 4/26/13

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Get Over It

I heard these words the other day and they really hit home for me. I know I have written before that I am the queen of pity parties. I don’t know why I do that. I don’t even appear that way in public. I hide it really well. I’ll give an example: Last week was my birthday. I couldn’t have had a better day. I had so many “happy birthdays” from friends and relatives, phone calls, text messages, private messages on face book, and even a friend called and sang to me. I had a wonderful lunch with my daughter and that evening a wonderful dinner with my family. I love having fun and being with people. After we had dinner, I went over and spent time at their house and laughed and talked. Then I got into my car and headed home—I cried all the way home. I even asked myself why, why do I do this? I have nothing to cry about. I have a good life, wonderful friends, so why do I do this? I know the reason and it can’t be corrected—at least not bringing someone back from the dead. I so hate going home to my empty house. So, I need to just “get over it.” Now every time something happens that I think is not right or if I think that life is not fair to me, I’m saying, “Diane, just get over it.” There are so many things that are right. So, why do we tend to dwell on the things that we think are not right in our lives? I don’t know. Each day brings new challenges into our life. We need to look at each one and see if we can correct the problem or how we are going to let it affect us or how we can deal with it. Don’t look at the other person with envy and jealousy of what they have. We really don’t know what goes on inside of them. Who would ever know that I would let things get to me and cry so much? Who would ever know how depressed I get or how lonely I get and feel sorry for myself? You need to do what I am starting to do—just get over it! DR 4/18/13

Saturday, April 13, 2013

You Never Know....

I had a wonderful time for my birthday, but when I got home, I realized that I had not heard from a friend in a few weeks. I was used to talking to him a lot. His mother had recently died and we talked about what he was going to do. The last time I talked to him I knew he was pretty distraught, but I was also caught up in my new office change. I thought of him late at night and would send him a private message, and I really thought it odd that he didn’t call because he always did. Well, this time I thought I should go to his face book page. I couldn’t believe it, he died a few weeks ago. I didn’t know and I am still upset about it. Why didn’t I stay in better contact with him? I knew he was upset. I read that he had a heart attack. He walked all of the time. He was thin. How could this happen? I still can’t believe that he’s gone and I’ll never talk to him again. I feel so awful. Then today, I heard some news that a close friend that lives up here on the mountain died. I was upset all day about her. My cousin and I talked about it and we said how we should have called her. Then we learned that the person who told that information was wrong and our friend is alive. How relieved we are. My cousin called her and told her what we had heard and how relieved we are that she’s ok. We never know when we may die, or when someone we really care about will die. We need to listen to that little voice inside of us that reminds us to call that person, go see that person, or just check to see if they’re ok. Why do we get so busy that we don’t take time to do that? I know that I always promise myself that I’m going to do better, and then I slip into that “busy” mode again. Oh God, please help me to reach out to the people I care about and let them know that I really do care about them. I hope you do the same. DR 4/13/13

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What I Miss

In life we take so many things for granted. I know I took my husband for granted. He always told me that after he was gone, I would realize all of the things he did for me. Well, tonight I started thinking about what I am missing. He always wrote me poems on my birthday, valentine’s, and our anniversary. I couldn’t wait to see what he would come up with. I have them all in a notebook. I told him that I loved them better than any card that he could have picked out. I really liked the following poem: “My dearest, my darling, my – well you know the rest, You’ve made me so happy, cause you are the best, You’ve worked and you’ve suffered for me everyday, In appreciation for you, I’ve this to say, I desire you, I adore you, my lover, my all, I’d rather be with you, than at the poolhall. I love you, Charles” He always called me “My dearest, my darling, my lover, my all”, and he called me “Dar” for short. Charles never was the normal person. Everything he did was different and unique, even what he called me. You know, I am not and never have been a favorite of pet names. I have never wanted to be called honey or baby, but I loved being called “Dar”. A lot of times he would say the entire thing and yes, I miss hearing it. I especially liked this birthday poem because I know how much he loved shooting pool. I hope they have pool tables in heaven—just saying. DR 4/11/13