Friday, May 23, 2014


Last night my youngest grandson graduated from high school. Boy, how the years fly by. I was sitting beside his girlfriend, whom I really like. The memories came flooding back. Seems like just yesterday when he was born. We had one of the biggest snows that week. He was so little and cute. Now, he’s all grown up and has been accepted into the Marines. I asked his girlfriend how she felt about him leaving, and she said, “I’m proud of him, whatever he does.” I think he’s found the right one. The next graduation will be from basic training. Jonathan seems to know what he wants in life. He’s always so serious. Sometimes I can get him to loosen up, especially when I take him for a ride with the top down in my car. I couldn’t help but think last night, it has just been a few months since my 50th high school reunion. I wonder what will happen in Jonathan’s life the next 50 years. I hope he makes good choices. I made some good ones and some really bad ones. The thing is, how you end up. Those bad choices can actually make you a better, stronger person. I wish Jonathan all the success in life he deserves. I hope to live to see some of it. DR 5/23/14

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day - 2014

Today I have mixed feelings about Mother’s Day. I thought my mother would always be here. I guess we all feel that way until the day comes that they leave us. My mother was a good woman and I have many memories. I am an only child and my mother was very protective of me. Should I say “over protective”? I really don’t remember this very well but my mother told me that we were in Miller Brothers downtown and she was looking at the ladies dresses. I must have been about 4. She said I hid in between some dresses hanging on a rack and when she came over, I threw the dresses back and yelled “Mammy.” Needless to say, we had a long talk about what I should call her. I never called her that again. I remember the first day of school when I went to first grade. Most of the kids were crying and clinging to their mothers. My mother said I looked up at her and said, “Don’t you have some place you need to go?” My mother told me whatever I did I had better not get on the merry-go-round on the playground at school. Well, you guessed it, I did. Not only did I get on, but I was dragged around. I was skinned, bleeding, and bruised all over. Back then they didn’t take you to the emergency room, you just washed off the blood. My mother worked at night so when I got home from school I told my daddy and I told him she would kill me. He was always my protector from her. I heard her that night when she came home. My daddy told her what had happened and of course she wanted to punish me. He told her I had been punished enough. He said I don’t think she’ll go anywhere near that merry-go-round again. Escaped again! You guessed it, my mother was the discipline person. I really can’t remember my dad ever laying a hand on me. My mother and I had a love/hate relationship for a long time, but at some point we became really good friends. I could get upset with something and call her and we would talk about it until I got it out of my system. I miss that. So many times I’ve wanted to call her and just hear her voice again. Well, this is life as we know it here. I’m happy that I’ll see her again and there will be no more tears in Heaven. DR 5/11/14