Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Licking Machine

When you’re snowed in, you have a lot of time to reflect on things. My mind takes me back a long time ago when Charles and I were doing a lot of mailouts. The worse thing we had to do was sealing the envelopes. He told me that there was some sort of ceramic wheel we could buy. We went to T. H. Payne downtown (now you know it was a long time ago) and every other place we could think of. I’m pretty sure it was before Office Depot and some of the office supply places we depend on today Every where we went, no one understood what we were looking for. Charles had described it as best that he could. He didn’t know the proper name for it. Well, we had just about given up when we passed by Brainerd Village. Charles whipped into the parking lot and said he wanted to see if Lanham’s Bible Book Store would have it. I told him that I was tired of looking and I would wait in the car. In a few minutes he came back out looking a little strange. I asked him what had happened. He said he thought he had said the wrong thing in the book store. I asked him what on earth he could have said in there. He said, “Well, there was a counter over in the bridal part of the store and he asked if they had a ‘licking machine.’” He said the lady looked at him and said very abruptly, “we don’t carry anything like that in here.” Of course, I started dying laughing. I told him that this was one time I was really glad that I had stayed in the car. DR 2/12/14

Thursday, February 6, 2014

So Very Thankful

The last few weeks for me have seemed to be full of challenges. I don’t know about you, but it seemed like everything that I touched or had a hand in, turned out all wrong. I’ve been so very thankful that even during the low temperatures, my heat continued to be on, and also the electricity. I woke up a couple of days ago and I thought, wow, I’m cold. Yep, my central heat unit was dead as a door nail. I called the man who put it in, and of course, could not reach him. Then out of the blue, Mike called. I had called him to come do a few things around my house to get it ready to be put on the market. He told me he was on his way. When he got here, I told him I had done all I knew to do to check my heating unit. He checked a few things and then, evidently he has an inside line to the electrician. Pete told him to check a few other things and Mike got my heat back on. I told Mike that God had sent him just when I needed him. Mike told me the things that I needed to get for the work I wanted done, and so I called Debbie and Kristin and asked them if they would like to go with me. I went out to the garage and got in my truck and my battery was dead. I sat there and just laughed. God, you really do have a sense of humor. I called Debbie and she said she would pick me up. Leon had gotten a new truck just a few months before he got sick, and I had never gotten to ride in it. God really works in mysterious ways. DR 2/6/14