Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Number "8"

A lot has been going on in my life this year. I sold my home and had a house built. It was really hard for me to leave the home that Charles and I built. I had so many memories there. I knew after my cousin died that I could not keep that house up, so that was my wake up call to leave. Charles had begged me before he died to sell it. He knew that it would be difficult for me to maintain. I always dreaded summer because of the two acres that had to be mowed. Anyway, I was at the new location and my builder told me that he had my address. I said ok, what is it? He said "8". I already knew the street name. I told him I had never had a single digit number for an address. I thought to myself why couldn't it be 7. In the Bible that means completion of man. I was telling my friends Jeanie and Nathan, and Nathan told me what the number "8" means. He said it means "new beginning." I have to say it gave me chills. How ironic. Yes, this year has been "a new beginning." Even at my age, a new beginning for me. I also traded my car and truck and bought a new car. Everything in my life is new. I can't say it has been easy, but I think Charles would be proud. He taught me well. He taught me how to be independent and take care of myself, but he didn't teach me how to not be lonely. I do thank God everyday for my friends and family. Don't ever think you are too old for a new beginning and a chance to start over. DR 5/3/15