Monday, April 25, 2011

Ladies Spring Soiree

I’m getting excited about dressing up. I know that sounds crazy, but when I first heard about the “Ladies Spring Soiree”, I said what the heck is that? Well, we’re having a luncheon based on dressing in your Derby Best Attire. The more I thought about it, the more excited I have become. My thoughts especially went back to the movie “Pretty Woman” and how beautiful Julia Roberts was when she dressed up to go to the races. Christi and I went shopping for hats and I do believe that we will look our best. In my teenage years, I used to wear a hat all of the time and I even found a picture of me with a large hat on. I loved hats. I have even decided to buy a dress! Yes, this body has not had on a dress in many years. It’s a little scary when I think about it, but I also get excited about playing dress up.

Some of the women have asked do they have to dress up. Oh come on, let’s dress up and have fun! You can wear jeans any ole day. Let’s look prim and proper for a change. You know, we may just start a new trend!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another Birthday

Well, I’ve made it to another birthday without you, Charles. I never thought that I could make it one day without you and now it has been over a year. Looking back, I’m glad that you taught me so many things and I’m so thankful for all of the talks we had. We had a lot of health scares in the last 14 years of your life and each time we would get out all of the papers to make sure that I would be ok after you were gone. We even joked about your new “apartment” up on the mantle. Now, I look at the mantle and you are there in your new “apartment.” Well, you’re really not right there, I know you must be dancing all over heaven and having the time of your life.

I have so many things to be thankful for. Since last year, I finally got on that new weight plan you wanted me to do—not so much to look better but so that I would be healthier and live longer. Losing weight has helped me get off one of my blood pressure pills and hopefully next year I’ll be off of them completely. I have learned that I actually love my new life, although I miss you terribly. I never know when something will happen that will make me cry uncontrollably, but at least I am here and only Chloe sees me. I do believe that dog really wants to talk to me and just can’t.

I love spending time with Christi and I have found new joy in spending time with my grandsons. I have loved baking and cooking with Jonathan and I do hope that he does become a wonderful Chef. I never knew that two boys growing up in the same household could be so different, but I am thankful for Christopher’s outgoing personality and I know that whatever part of the ministry he goes into, he will do well. I admire my son-in-law, Scott, for the part he takes in taking his mother to work and now to her chemo treatments. I know how hard that can be.

Life is full of challenges and I’m so glad that Charles taught me that I’m not always being punished when something “bad” happens. The word “challenge” seems so much better than “problem”. I always loved that when a new challenge came up, we talked about if we could solve it or is this a challenge we need to just deal with or cope with. The biggest challenge for us was when your cancer came back. Yes, it was hard to watch someone die and there was nothing anyone could do—but this is life. From the moment we are born, we know that someday we will die. Everyone gets their turn. I saw first hand how God can give “dying grace” and you were so happy until the day you died. I just couldn’t understand why or how you could be so happy when it was the end of the world for me. I know that my life is not finished here yet, and I’m still searching to know what I’m supposed to do. I do know that God has given me peace.

Well, another birthday—what lies in the year to come? I’m excited to find out.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Vacation - 2011

This is the first vacation I’ve had in a long, long time. It was amazingly good! We, Christi, Scott, and Jonathan, drove to Orlando and had a very nice drive. The first 2 days we spent at a motel that was really nice—but we couldn’t get the shower to work, the cable was out, the wi-fi was out, a light was out, and we couldn’t get anyone to answer the phone to complain. The next day we did and they fixed the shower but they had had a lightening strike and the wi fi was still down. All in all, we had a good time there. We then drove to the house Christi had found on line, and it was as good as the ad—maybe even better. I had gotten on line and found the tax records so I knew that it was a nice house in a nice neighborhood. On Tuesday we drove to the airport and picked up Christopher and his girlfriend, Megan. I was a little skeptical at how this would turn out, but I do believe that Megan is a good influence for our Christopher. They are both Freshmen at Lee College.

The next day we went to Disneyland and I do believe that Hell has moved to Orlando. It was hot and we could barely move because it was so crowded and it seemed that everyone had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. I decided that would be my first and last visit to the Magic Kingdom. I have to admit that even though I’m not a fan of parades, the electric parade that night was absolutely beautiful.

The next day I could barely get out bed. I could not fathom the thought of another theme park and the droves of people there. But, we all climbed into the van again and off we went to Universal studios. I was pleasantly surprised that the crowd had thinned and we could actually see the ground underneath our feet. I began to think that the Florida trip had taken a turn for the better.

The next day we went back for the Islands of Adventure and I guess everyone had rested up, because THEY were back! It was hotter and the crowd was thicker. The difference was that they weren’t as rude as day 1. The best part of the day were the two water rides for me. Normally, I don’t want to walk around like I just stepped out of a swimming pool with all of my clothes on, but it was hot and I didn’t care. None of cared! We even thought about doing it again, but we decided to eat again and go home.

On Saturday we took a day of rest and stayed at the house. We had a wonderful swimming pool and Scott grilled chicken and we had our dinner sitting around the pool. What a great time!

We told Megan if she survived a week with all of us, then she would be a keeper! Oh, I forgot to talk about Chloe (my little Yorkie). She did great! And, Jonathan really stayed close to me and helped me with Chloe. All in all, our trip was great and I believe we all got a little closer to each other. Families need each other and we need to tell each other how much we care.