Thursday, April 18, 2013

Get Over It

I heard these words the other day and they really hit home for me. I know I have written before that I am the queen of pity parties. I don’t know why I do that. I don’t even appear that way in public. I hide it really well. I’ll give an example: Last week was my birthday. I couldn’t have had a better day. I had so many “happy birthdays” from friends and relatives, phone calls, text messages, private messages on face book, and even a friend called and sang to me. I had a wonderful lunch with my daughter and that evening a wonderful dinner with my family. I love having fun and being with people. After we had dinner, I went over and spent time at their house and laughed and talked. Then I got into my car and headed home—I cried all the way home. I even asked myself why, why do I do this? I have nothing to cry about. I have a good life, wonderful friends, so why do I do this? I know the reason and it can’t be corrected—at least not bringing someone back from the dead. I so hate going home to my empty house. So, I need to just “get over it.” Now every time something happens that I think is not right or if I think that life is not fair to me, I’m saying, “Diane, just get over it.” There are so many things that are right. So, why do we tend to dwell on the things that we think are not right in our lives? I don’t know. Each day brings new challenges into our life. We need to look at each one and see if we can correct the problem or how we are going to let it affect us or how we can deal with it. Don’t look at the other person with envy and jealousy of what they have. We really don’t know what goes on inside of them. Who would ever know that I would let things get to me and cry so much? Who would ever know how depressed I get or how lonely I get and feel sorry for myself? You need to do what I am starting to do—just get over it! DR 4/18/13

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