Saturday, April 13, 2013

You Never Know....

I had a wonderful time for my birthday, but when I got home, I realized that I had not heard from a friend in a few weeks. I was used to talking to him a lot. His mother had recently died and we talked about what he was going to do. The last time I talked to him I knew he was pretty distraught, but I was also caught up in my new office change. I thought of him late at night and would send him a private message, and I really thought it odd that he didn’t call because he always did. Well, this time I thought I should go to his face book page. I couldn’t believe it, he died a few weeks ago. I didn’t know and I am still upset about it. Why didn’t I stay in better contact with him? I knew he was upset. I read that he had a heart attack. He walked all of the time. He was thin. How could this happen? I still can’t believe that he’s gone and I’ll never talk to him again. I feel so awful. Then today, I heard some news that a close friend that lives up here on the mountain died. I was upset all day about her. My cousin and I talked about it and we said how we should have called her. Then we learned that the person who told that information was wrong and our friend is alive. How relieved we are. My cousin called her and told her what we had heard and how relieved we are that she’s ok. We never know when we may die, or when someone we really care about will die. We need to listen to that little voice inside of us that reminds us to call that person, go see that person, or just check to see if they’re ok. Why do we get so busy that we don’t take time to do that? I know that I always promise myself that I’m going to do better, and then I slip into that “busy” mode again. Oh God, please help me to reach out to the people I care about and let them know that I really do care about them. I hope you do the same. DR 4/13/13

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