Thursday, August 8, 2013

Everything Happens For a Reason

I have seen good come out of a lot of bad things that have happened—even to me. Today my dance instructor told me that their lease will not be renewed and I asked what does that mean? He said it means he needs to look for a job. We talked about this is not the worse thing that can happen. I told him that to me, death is the worst thing that could ever happen, and I have survived even that. We agreed that sometimes when these things happen, it forces us to do something else. I told him to take his passion and make it happen. Those are some words that have stuck in my mind from the song, Flashdance. I have been searching for my passion. I really still do not know what it is. I don’t know if you have ever felt like this, but when something bad has happened to me, I just want to crawl into a shell and wish I could die. I know I keep telling myself that in five years it won’t matter any more. When I look back on a lot of things, I wish I could have handled myself differently. I wish that I could have known what I would find out later. Guess that would be like a fortune teller, and I don’t think anyone can predict the future. I just know that if these things never happened, we would stay in the same old rut that we get so accustomed to. I never thought even a year ago that I would be taking dancing lessons and loving it the way that I do. And to think that I had to get the courage to make that phone call to sign up. Nobody believes that I am the introvert that I really am. I have to make myself do a lot of things. I’m getting better though. I really hate to lose my instructor. I’ve just gotten attached to him and he likes all the crazy stuff I say and do. Today we worked on a turn and he kept saying you’re making it so much harder than it really is. When I finally did it, yes, I was making it way harder. Which dance do I like best? Well, I was really wanting to get more involved with the Tango. I asked Rob when could I wrap my leg around him? Oh, he just shakes his head. Well, they have a picture hanging on the wall with that very thing. I guess my favorite is the waltz. No, I like the Rumba, well, I like the foxtrot too. They are all very similar. But my all time favorite is the hustle. It is so much like what we used to dance when I was a teenager. Oh, am I reliving those years? I think I’m just beginning to live again. DR

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