Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Positive vs. Negative

Have you ever stopped and listened to yourself? So many times the things that come out of my mouth are so negative. I try to turn it around into something positive, but honestly sometimes it is so very hard. I know that what we speak are actually the things that happen. We are predicting our future of doom and gloom. Is it the way we were brought up? Is it because the world seems to be going in downward spiral? Do we really view ourselves in this way? Am I the only one who does this? I’ve been watching “In Session”, the trial of Jodi Arias. She killed her boyfriend and doesn’t remember stabbing him 29 times nor slitting his throat from ear to ear. She does remember shooting him. The prosecutor is now cross examining her and she has an answer for everything. She is trying to play the victim. She has told lie after lie. Someone told me, when you tell the truth, you always give the same answer. In her case, she has told many different stories. The thing I have noticed about her is that she is so positive in her outlook. She is confident that she will get out of the death penalty. I really don’t know how this is all going to end, but I have thought to myself, how can she sit there and tell all of these lies???? I remember a time long ago that I went to apply for a position. I did everything wrong—I didn’t have a resume and I wore a bright red dress. I found out when I got there that the position was for a nurse. Of course, I am not a nurse. I did get hired as a manager. I was known as the “lady in red”. My area manager told me later that I was the most confident person she had ever interviewed. Wow, I couldn’t believe it. If she only knew how little confidence that I had in myself. Maybe wearing red did it. The comments that they gave me really did boost my self confidence and I did believe that I was confident. So many times something negative will happen to us and we suddenly feel that we are worthless and not any good to anybody. I have felt this way so many times in my life. I am working on turning my negative self talk into more positive language. I’m the only one who can take charge of my life—well along with God that is. I know that good things are going to happen. But, then there’s that tinge of doubt that creeps in. Believe today that good things are in store for you, and speak out loud positive things. Keep the negative thoughts inside. Pretty soon, you will become what you always wanted to be. DR 2/26/13

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