Friday, February 8, 2013

Wonders Never Seem to Cease

I am truly amazed at the many things that I am now doing and trying. I never thought in a million years that I would ever go on a cruise. I had seen several instances on tv where people had disappeared from the ship they were on. I guess I was afraid that I might be one of those to disappear, so I wiped that from my mind. Well, that is, until a friend whose husband also died a few years ago, suggested that we go. So, I said let’s do it. I have to admit that as it got closer to the time for us to leave, I really wanted to chicken out. But, putting on my “brave front”, I got into her car and we were off. I was really afraid that I would get seasick, but I didn’t buy anything to prevent it. I’m glad because I didn’t have the first signs of seasickness. My friend, Debbie, even made a short video for my daughter, telling her that she now needs to rock me to sleep every night because I loved the motion of the ship. The only thing I had was absolute bliss that I had entered into a fantasy world that I didn’t know existed. Our ship seemed to cater to playing a lot of rock n roll and of course I do love it and they played it loud which is even better for me. I loved seeing places that I have never seen, and I was surprised that my favorite was Key West. We went to tour Hemingway’s home and learned some facts about him I had not known before. We were told there were 45 living cats on the property—but the ones we saw appeared to be on knock out drops. We had to really stare to see if they were really breathing. We then went back to town and ate at Sloppy Joes, and there was a guy who sang a little bit of everything and was really good. Of course, we really liked it when he sang, Rocky Top Tennessee! We shopped some and then we thought we would head back to the ship. We walked directly to the wrong ship. We could see our ship. It was surrounded by water! We walked back into the town and caught the shuttle back to our ship. We would still be walking today trying to get there! The funniest thing was we were docked at a naval yard and we had to stop at the security and three naval guys came onto our shuttle and checked everyone’s passports. I tell you, I showed my passport so many times that on our way home, I almost flipped out my passport at Zaxby’s. Yes, I learned a lot, sang a lot, danced a lot, and oh yeah, ate a lot! It was a wonderful fantasy world and I can’t wait to do it again! DR 2/8/13

1 comment:

  1. Debbie Nelson CardwellFebruary 8, 2013 at 10:31 AM

    I am so glad we went! I know it seemed as though many things were conspiring to keep you from going, but it all worked out fine and we had a great time. And thinking a little bit about the food...Maybe its a good thing that the food wasn't all that good; we may have eaten ourselves into the next size up!
